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:: Volume 3, Issue 26 (12-2018) ::
پیشرفت های نوین در علوم رفتاری 2018, 3(26): 42-82 Back to browse issues page
Forensic psychology: A necessity in the criminal justice system of Iran
Abstract:   (4171 Views)
Forensic psychology is a specialized branch and applied psychology. Forensic psychology deals with issues linking in psychology and law with together, often plays a role in punishment and prevention of crimes and offences, and focuses on offenders and criminals. Forensic psychology is coordinator of psychological theories and necessary psychopathology to enforcement of legal retribution. After search in available databases by appropriate keywords in both Farsi and English languages, articles, congresses, seminars, books, reports and notes that were most relevant to the intended targets were selected and evaluated. The results indicated that interest in forensic psychology significantly has increased by offering of multiple presentations in movies, television programs and books in recent years. Although depiction of forensic psychology is certainly substantial in the popular media, but these images necessarily are not accurate. According to the psychology and pathology theories as well as relevant laws, forensic psychology helps to judges and the Judicial Supreme Council, in order to a final ruling of the defendants. Psychologists, who work in this field, apply psychological principles in the legal aspects. Some of these activities include the study of criminal behaviors and their treatments, or work in the judicial systems. They play an important role in the criminal justice system. Some of forensic psychologists directly assess, evaluate and treat people who have committed crimes or who have been victims of crimes and offences in the criminal justice system. Others handle cases of accusation of child abuse, work with child witnesses, evaluate people involved in disputes of child custody, and assess defendant's mental competency to stand trial. This article has attempted with providing evidence-based information about forensic psychology, ministeries and legal organizations including Psychology and Counseling Organization of Iran can develop this field in different educational levels in Iranian universities, and also can promot quality of specialized mental health, psychological, and legal services, for the criminal justice as well as for the recipients of these services in law, legal, and correctional centers of the country.
Keywords: forensic psychology, criminal behavior, court, legal retribution, crime prevention, intervention, Iran.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special

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(2018). Forensic psychology: A necessity in the criminal justice system of Iran. پیشرفت های نوین در علوم رفتاری. 3(26), 42-82.
URL: http://ijndibs.com/article-1-258-en.html

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Volume 3, Issue 26 (12-2018) Back to browse issues page
مجله پیشرفت های نوین در علوم رفتاری The Journal of New Advances in Behavioral Sciences
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