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:: Volume 3, Issue 28 (2-2019) ::
پیشرفت های نوین در علوم رفتاری 2019, 3(28): 15-29 Back to browse issues page
Investigating the relationship between religious capital and marital satisfaction in couples applying for divorce in Kermanshah city
Abstract:   (3841 Views)
Divorce has been considered by researchers for a long time as one of the saddest social phenomena. Marital satisfaction and marital satisfaction have an important role in normal family function. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between psychological capital with religious orientation and marital satisfaction Aamong couples applying for divorce. The method of this research is descriptive, correlational and in terms of purpose, is applicable. The statistical population of this study was all couples applying for divorce referring to the family court of Kermanshah. The sampling method was simple random sampling. A sample of 196 people was selected based on Morgan's table as a sample for collecting data. Regarding the loss of subjects, 150 people entered the study. Satisfaction with the couples willing to cooperate with the research, responded to the Lutanz and colleagues' psychological capital questionnaires, the ROS religious test and the ENRIC marital satisfaction test. Data were collected using a questionnaire in a field method and a correlation method was used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses using the spss version 22 software. According to the results of research, there was a significant relationship between religious capital and marital satisfaction in divorce couples. And psychological capital can predict religious orientation and marital satisfaction.
Keywords: Psychological Capital, Religious Orientation, Marital Satisfaction, Couples Applicant for Divorce.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special

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(2019). Investigating the relationship between religious capital and marital satisfaction in couples applying for divorce in Kermanshah city. پیشرفت های نوین در علوم رفتاری. 3(28), 15-29.
URL: http://ijndibs.com/article-1-273-en.html

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Volume 3, Issue 28 (2-2019) Back to browse issues page
مجله پیشرفت های نوین در علوم رفتاری The Journal of New Advances in Behavioral Sciences
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