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:: Volume 3, Issue 29 (3-2019) ::
پیشرفت های نوین در علوم رفتاری 2019, 3(29): 40-63 Back to browse issues page
The effectiveness of psychological empowerment program based on individual psychology theory of Adler on sexual self-esteem and quality of marital relationships of women with marital conflicts
Abstract:   (4082 Views)
The purpose of this study is determining the effectiveness of psychological empowerment program based on individual psychology theory of Adler on sexual self-esteem and quality of marital relationships of women with marital conflicts. This research utilized a pre-test and post-test semi-experimental design with a control group. In this study, by non-random convenience sampling method 30 subjects were selected from men with marital conflicts Kermanshah city in year 208 and they were then assigned to experimental and control groups (n=15 for each group). At first, all of the subjects responded to the marital conflicts scale of Barati and Sanaee (1993), sexual self-esteem scale of Doyle, Zeanah and Schwarz (1996) and marital quality scale of Busby, Crane, Larson and Christensen (1995).Then, the psychological empowerment program based on individual psychology theory of Adler was performed for the experimental group in 18 sessions. In order to analyze data, the covariance analysis was applied. Findings of the study showed that the psychological empowerment program based on individual psychology theory of Adler was meaningfully effective on sexual self-esteem and quality of marital relationships of women with marital conflicts. in the experimental group. 
Keywords: psychological empowerment, individual psychology, sexual self-esteem, quality of marital relationships, marital conflicts.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special

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(2019). The effectiveness of psychological empowerment program based on individual psychology theory of Adler on sexual self-esteem and quality of marital relationships of women with marital conflicts. پیشرفت های نوین در علوم رفتاری. 3(29), 40-63.
URL: http://ijndibs.com/article-1-282-en.html

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Volume 3, Issue 29 (3-2019) Back to browse issues page
مجله پیشرفت های نوین در علوم رفتاری The Journal of New Advances in Behavioral Sciences
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